Is America Racist?

Is America racist? This is a question most Americans can answer with little hesitation based on their perspective of American history. Recently, due to certain changes, I began questioning this belief. After much research and listening to different perspectives, my answer to the question has become complex. I believe that America’s biggest issue is corruption, not racism. However, systemic racism still exists and is part of a greater agenda – a war of class, not race. Powerful decision-makers, some of whom we’ve elected, on both sides of the political aisle are united in their efforts to make America a socialist/communist nation.

Saying that America is racist rather than pointing out that it is corrupt diverts attention from the deeper issue. Emphasizing racism also plays into the hands of those responsible for the corruption – those who weaponize the history of racial discrimination in America to stoke the fire of racial tension and divide and conquer. To address the issues plaguing Black communities, it is more important to shift our focus to the war on class vs race. In doing so, we can pinpoint policies that stifle economic growth and impact people of color even though there are no laws that discriminate based on skin color.

How does systemic racism exist in the absence of laws that discriminate against people based on color? The government’s role in the media – its waging of psychological warfare on Black communities is one way. The government has accomplished this by weaponizing the Black community's fears (which are based on American history) and promoting socialism (economic bondage) as the road to equality. Its partnership with the communist organization, Black Lives Matter, is one example of this. Our politicians have also co-signed those that promote destructive stereotypes and reinforce victimhood mentality through propaganda. All of this has led to the destruction of Black families and dependency on government and has kept Black communities as a voter bloc for the Democrat party. (I was told I “ain’t Black if I don’t vote for Joe Biden”.) Who made voting for Democrats a part of Black culture? The Democrat party ran an entire presidential campaign based on fighting white supremacy and the “very fine people” hoax. It appealed to emotions rather than offering substance which resulted in most of us taking the bait. We allowed our communities to be misguided, misused, and destroyed. This form of oppression can be overcome by taking responsibility, trusting Jesus, and seeking Him for solutions. Freedom is also found in forgiveness, in researching facts, and in yielding to truth.

But why Black people? Why 13% of the population? I believe that the primary reason is spiritual. I also believe that many in seats of power are genuinely racist, nevertheless, they acknowledge that Black American culture has a strong influence on popular culture. Therefore, if they can sway Black American culture, they can also sway mainstream culture.

Besides state-sanctioned propaganda aimed at socially engineering Black communities, Democrat-run cities have been negligent in their handling of inner-city violence. Some have gone as far as defunding the police without providing an adequate alternative. Unsurprisingly, this has led to a spike in crime. Black communities receive the worst education and yet competition and school choice policies are suppressed. Similarly, parents receive stiff penalties for sending their children to better public schools outside of their zone. Eugenics is still very prevalent in our nation as can be seen in presentations of abortion and sterilization to low-income citizens, mostly women of color.

Even in the presence of these destructive policies and psychological warfare, Black communities are without excuse. The opportunities found in America allow ANYONE to determine their future, actualize their purpose, and create wealth. Black people from all walks of life are a testament to this fact.

While advocating for a socialist America, many are unaware or willfully ignorant that the founding of America was a solution to dilemmas Karl Marx, the father of communism/socialism, claimed to champion. America, with its religious freedom and foundational documents guarding against historical tyrannies, stands as a great nation.

The Constitution, coupled with America’s capitalist leanings, has provided significant opportunities for people to transcend their socioeconomic status. Ironically, those advocating for socialism may inadvertently contribute to maintaining a bourgeoisie/proletariat class structure.

These advocates implement socialist agendas through government overreach and policies that make it challenging for middle- and low-income Americans to start and run their own businesses. The result is a potential consolidation of power among those who claim to fight oppression.

In truth, socialism, if implemented, might only give absolute power to the very people who profess to combat oppression. They achieve this through government overreach and policies that hinder the ability of ordinary Americans to pursue entrepreneurship.

The preservation of American freedom – of our free nation – is a cause worth fighting for. We’ve been duped into believing that it must be dismantled and rebuilt so that it can be better. However, we do not need to demolish; we need to renovate (and maybe perform gutting in some areas). But first, the people who oversee the structure must agree on what is needed. This requires that we, the people, take an unbiased look at what America really is. This means that those who decry American society must see that which is good in our society. Also, it’s time for patriots to stop being naive and blind to the corruption found in their beloved nation. To stop being so afraid of the word “racist” that they miss the opportunity to identify and root out racism. I believe this is necessary if we are to win the fight to preserve America and to be a unified nation.

We effectively fight to keep America free by raising our kids in righteousness and strengthening our family unit. We fight by taking advantage of the opportunities countless American men and women have died for. We fight by electing officials who uphold the Constitution and by holding accountable all who swear to do the same. Any leader or decision-maker who upholds an ideology that is in direct opposition to the founding documents of the nation is not worthy of a seat in leadership. We fight by resisting any ideology or movement that is more divisive than it is solution-based. We fight by uniting beyond color lines and disregarding stereotypes. The citizens of America have come a long way in terms of racial relations. We would go even further if we stopped falling prey to the lies perpetrated by mainstream media. We fight by turning our support toward media outlets that tell the truth and operate with journalistic integrity just as we turn away from those who are a biased, propaganda arm for partisan politics. Lastly, we keep fighting by putting God first and by maintaining the moral fabric that keeps our society together.

Dominique Galbraith

Dominique Galbraith is a wife, mother of 3, and a follower of Jesus Christ. She is a dynamic figure in the realms of speaking, authorship, entrepreneurship, and faith-based business consulting, is dedicated to helping individuals and families prosper, both spiritually and financially as well as actualizing their Christ-given purpose. Leveraging her presence on YouTube, various social media platforms, her published works, her bridal and couture gown brand, D. Auxilly, and the network (Uniiqe Life ) she founded with her husband, she diligently navigates multiple avenues to fulfill this overarching mission.


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