The Grand Finesse: The Social Justice Lie

I recently decided to google the definition of social justice. According to Google, social justice is defined as justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society. It appears that Black pain is being used to advance socialism. To be clear, I desire justice and improvement in the lives of those in my community, but not through the exploitation of our pain and actions working against our best interests.

Oppression is experienced primarily on the economic level, and the biggest threat to economic empowerment for the Black community is socialism.

A war is being waged against the masses based on class, not race. Unfortunately, due to the struggles and history of pain experienced by Black Americans, they are the most vulnerable to manipulation and exploitation. Those in power across major corporations, organizations, and nations are using policy, propaganda, and international threats like the pandemic to control the masses and redistribute wealth to their benefit. They’ve used the history of racism in America and the cries of Black America to advance their agenda. This has been achieved by exaggerating division among Americans based on race. Socialists use public unrest to push corrupt governments to implement economically devastating policies. They over-regulate and raise taxes, crushing smaller businesses and controlling private sectors to “solve” or “fix” poverty. This is done rather than pushing corruption out of government and implementing sustainable reformation related to the causes people are actually fighting for. Corruption is one of the main causes of poverty.

America is very flawed, but if it becomes a communist nation, the advancement of Black America will be a lost cause and the progress that has been made will become useless. There will be no financial independence or American dream to gain access to without a sovereign America.

Wealth redistribution seems like a great idea if you believe you’ll never have wealth. It’s no coincidence that the same people advocating for socialism under the guise of social justice put a greater emphasis on what Black people can’t do rather than empowering them to operate in their gifts. We are inundated with messages telling us we can’t make it without the government’s help or intervention to level the playing field. Wealth redistribution is not intended to give everyone access to wealth but will make everyone equally poor and dependent on the government. The government becomes a god. One of socialism/communism’s goals is no private ownership. This is in direct opposition to the significant growth of Black-owned businesses and property owners we’ve seen recently in our community. Why would we support anyone in favor of policies that would diminish our ability to achieve economic freedom?

We are led to hate capitalism by capitalists. We must understand that capitalism itself is not the issue; greed is. You either work for a capitalist, you are a capitalist, you’re stealing from a capitalist, or you’re being supported by the government which is taxing capitalists to support you. Either way, no country is functioning properly without capitalism.

We were successfully distracted by the sensationalized threat of white nationalists coming to kill us. The fear that our lives are under constant threat puts us in survival mode. Most people living under fear or threat for their physical safety are not building or paying attention to the things that will impact their future and future generations. This only perpetuates poverty and keeps us in a position to have to rely on the government to solve our problems. Our emotions are far more detrimental than the propagated threat of being killed by a white nationalist, and so is our ignorance of policy and its implications on our freedom.

Are the millions of Black Americans who believe that racism is a real threat to them physically delusional? NO. However, the form of racism that has the most devastating impact on Black Americans is socialist policies being pushed by Democrats. We have been made to believe and live in fear of Confederate flag-waving racists while ignoring the racists running our cities, police departments, local councils, and our school-to-prison pipeline systems that want to teach your kids anything but financial literacy. We overlooked the racist canceling bus routes in Black neighborhoods, frustrating people of color to move out of gentrified areas. The media, run by Democrats, ignored or downplayed the many Black businesses and neighborhoods being destroyed in the name of justice. Who is generating wealth from making us look like hoes, idiots, and immoral thugs in entertainment? Who is peddling abortion harder than economic independence as a solution to having children you can’t afford to take care of? Democrats. The first and only time I’ve heard the N-word hurled at me was because of my values, and this came from a white liberal.

The father of communism, Karl Marx, and many leaders throughout American history who embrace his ideology are known racists. How is it that Black Americans have come to support agendas started by racists whose goals included eliminating Black people? Why are the leaders of Black Lives Matter self-proclaimed trained Marxists? Black Americans have become supporters of socialism knowingly and unknowingly, as well as abortion; both movements were started by racists whose goals go against what benefits us and who we are. These movements are irredeemable, and it is hypocritical for us to fight to tear down all things with a racist origin while leaving these institutions intact and embracing their ideology.

Someone put it this way: Democrats tell you, you can’t do it without me. Republicans tell you to do it yourself. Both parties have failed our community, but one party has used us as pawns, manipulated us, worked to dismantle the family structure, convinced us to murder our unborn, and removed God from society, all to implement policies that bring devastation. I have enough faith in God and what he has put in us and proof that we can gain financial independence regardless of what stands in our way. There are issues that money can’t fix like a racist heart. Only the gospel of Jesus Christ can cure that when it is truly embraced, not just a meaningless tradition. Money provides options, leverage, and influence. Therefore, money puts you in the position to impact change on the playing field of those currently in power. It is a tool for good or evil. That said, our focus must shift upward to The Most High; then strategy must be created on working this nation’s foundational principles that have allowed millions of families to transcend poverty despite their nationality or race. Work the system and reform the system without partnering with those whose agenda will only bring destruction.

Many may read this and resort to “what aboutisms”... That’s exactly what these leaders and their movements have trained you to do, which is a deflection from your power, ability, and gifts. As long as you continue to do so, there is no change, and they will continue to use you as a pawn to implement their agenda which is of no benefit to you.

Dominique Galbraith

Dominique Galbraith is a wife, mother of 3, and a follower of Jesus Christ. She is a dynamic figure in the realms of speaking, authorship, entrepreneurship, and faith-based business consulting, is dedicated to helping individuals and families prosper, both spiritually and financially as well as actualizing their Christ-given purpose. Leveraging her presence on YouTube, various social media platforms, her published works, her bridal and couture gown brand, D. Auxilly, and the network (Uniiqe Life ) she founded with her husband, she diligently navigates multiple avenues to fulfill this overarching mission.


Black Wealth and Politics: The Conversation We are Not Allowed to Have.


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