Trump Isn’t Your Enemy

What you’re about to read is a chapter from my book, Essay of A Young Melanated Christian Conservative Woman. I never intended to write a book on politics. I didn’t care for Trump. But God began to open my eyes to the wickedness in the Democratic party and the fact that they are the real political enemies of The Black community. God is going to restore The Black Community spiritually, mentally and financially and Trumps policies align with God’s plan for this restoration. The post also includes links to videos and articles that support what is written here and what the media including social media has tried to hide. They have done all they can to try and silent Black conservative voices and label us sell outs because we are trying to wake our people up to the Democratic Party’s hatred for Black People. I have lost customers, followers and “friends” for supporting Trump. Why would I risk being cancelled over Trump? Because it’s bigger than Trump, its about Truth. The truth will come to light and God will have the final say.

From the beginning of his candidacy, I could have never imagined myself being a Trump supporter. The sight of him made me angry. His supporters made my blood boil. I just couldn’t understand how anyone could support him, especially Christians. I watched my trusted sources of local and cable news every day. They painted a picture that I never thought to question. But that changed during The New York State gubernatorial elections. There we were in the middle of a major election for our state and my trusted media source chose only to talk about and highlight the democratic candidate. I barely knew the name of the republican candidate running against him. To me, it became clear that not only was this media outlet biased, but they were also using their major platform to steer the election in the way they wanted it to go. While I believe that it is every citizen's duty to research who their officials are, and what they stand for, I also believe that the media has the responsibility to report the truth without bias and allow people to think for themselves. How naive of me. This I have learned is almost non-existent. 

So I started to question, am I getting the full truth about Trump? Have I ever taken the time to understand why some of my brothers and sisters in Christ support Trump? Have I even prayed about it or was I just leaning on my own understanding? This is what changed everything. Prior to this, I had no idea what Trump was actually about and his purpose because the media and the people that I listened to had me viewing him from a skewed, agenda led perspective. And being a Black woman, I took the bait and viewed everything from the lens of my identity as a Black person. But Trump, in spite of his reckless and tasteless tweets and bravado attitude, is standing in the way of something that is an even bigger threat to me as Hebrew woman and as a Christian. Trump is standing in opposition to globalism/New World order or what the church calls the Antichrist agenda.

“Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together, against the LORD and against His Anointed One” Psalms 2:1-2 

The nations and their kings have always worked in opposition to Jesus, the children of Israel, and The Church. But God has the final victory.

Have you noticed an increase in disdain for Christians especially in college classrooms? Are you aware of China’s persecution of Christians and the communist regime and how the media supported China as Trump stood up against them? Look what party was trying to introduce the digital dollar, the precursor to one world currency so that they could make it “easier” for you to get your “free money” during the pandemic. The Democrats. Notice how the Black community was impacted the worst during this pandemic? Notice how churches were deemed non-essential and targeted even though they adhered to CDC regulations. It’s a conspiracy for sure and the powers that be, that work for Satan want you to believe it's all theory. Trump was the outsider that was never expected to win and was not a part of their plan. Have you ever seen a President hated this much? I will admit, he does not make it easier.

This agenda is about control of wealth and its redistribution (socialism that’s really communism) that works conveniently in their favor, surveillance and control of human activity, depopulation, and removing boundaries as it relates to sexual relations, including pedophilia. Sounds crazy? Why are the “experts'' suddenly “discovering” that masturbation should be taught to toddlers? Their “scientific” reason is that this helps children to self-regulate their behavior. Why have respected platforms like The New York Times written articles about pedophilia not being a crime but a disorder? This is how Satan works through people and organizations to desensitize and condition the masses to accept wickedness and evil as “normal”. It will come to a point where if you speak out against such things, you are standing in the way of someone's “happiness” and are being judgmental. 

Their war on capitalism and push for globalized free trade is cause for concern as communism and free trade has historically brought down nations. This is the goal. The goal is to destroy the economies of nations, creating a need for a one-world currency. This one-world currency is what the bible calls the mark of the beast that everyone must have in order to buy or sell. We are being brainwashed into hating a country and destroying everything about it because we don't like some of its problems. Despite its flaws, there are very few places where a person can go from being homeless to being a millionaire through an honest living. There are very few places that have religious freedom. Are people risking their lives to come here and abandoning all they have for no reason? Have we forgotten that many of us have ancestors that fought and died to have rights here?

While the Bible is clear that these things must come, one of the ways Satan works is to try to disrupt the timing of what God says will come to pass. This is something that God made clear to me as I decided to stop assuming that I know and listen, and seek Him on what He had to say. We are being shown grace in this season, and are being given the opportunity to get right with God and re-introduce Jesus and His ways back into our culture. The spirit of God revealed that antichrist policies will come through the Democratic Party and that the majority of the media outlets were being used to manipulate and mentally condition people to accept the antichrist when he appears. This is why most of them don't just simply present information to you without first twisting it rather than telling you how to think about what was presented.

Most people when asked why they don't like Trump will respond by saying he's a bigot/xenophobe/homophobe/rapist. Very few can list at least one of his policies or can clearly articulate what he represents or his parties’ political ideology. I know I couldn't and that became very clear once I began to research deeper than what mainstream media had to say. This is not to demonize those that vote democrat especially since I was once a democrat voter. But many of us either don't know the truth, vote primarily out of tradition or because the media has put the face of white supremacy on the Republican Party and conservatism. Interestingly, many Black Americans have conservative values but don’t vote according to those values or celebrate them in popular culture. The same popular culture that is run by democrats.

For me, this coming election is all about policy and supporting a political direction that I believe is best for our country. Neither candidate is perfect. Both have been accused of being a racist, have made disparaging remarks, and have a number of sexual allegations against them. As a Christian, clearly, this is not an easy choice. My support for Donald Trump is not based on believing that he is saved or God’s gift to Christianity. But I do believe that God is using him. It’s interesting how many people can believe that God can use anybody yet we find ourselves being hostile to the people He chooses because they don't fit our idea of a person God should use. The bible says He (God) uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. I am not calling President Trump a fool, (although I’ve called him worse in the past) but I am saying that God uses methods, images, and people that don’t align with what most people would choose.

Many have questioned why I, as a black woman, would ever vote for a “racist”? “He doesn't care about our people!” I've also seen people blaming him for issues that have existed well before his 4-year stint in politics. If we continue to make all of our decisions through the lens of race that the democrats have created, we will always lose the bigger battle and continue to be blinded to the real racist that are in power, and those that want power. 

The real racists are the candidates who advocate for Planned Parenthood, an organization started by eugenicist Margret Sanger whose plan for “Birth control and Racial Betterment” was to reduce or eliminate the feeble-minded, the poor and “subnormal. With 70% of her Planned Parenthood Clinics in black and minority neighborhoods, it’s obvious who she was targeting. The real racists are the ones who support Bill Gates (once considered a possible running mate for Hillary Clinton) and his push for vaccines as a solution for climate change and public “health”. Why do you think he believed black people should be vaccinated first? Why did he and his wife support illegal abortion in Africa? Why has his vaccine come under fire for sterilizing the people in Africa it was supposed to help? Bill Gates has been very forthcoming about his ideas for population control and for some reason, his target seems to be black people. I wonder if he got his idea from his father Bill Gates Sr. who at one point was the head of Planned Parenthood? Democrats have been leading predominantly Black cities for a long time with no results. If it's the system that we have a problem with as Black people, why do we keep voting for the party that has been running the systems that control our communities for decades? They have done little to change the education system, they run our police departments, and have priced us out through gentrification. Who is the real racist? Whose brand of racism is worse? As for me, I am done with the party of the welfare traps, high taxes, terrible schools, poorly managed budgets, and shows of “solidarity”. What is the point of painting “Black Lives Matter” on streets that young black men can't walk on without being profiled? What’s the point of the Mayor of New York City painting “Black Lives Matter” while cutting the budget of a city college program that was actually helping black lives be upwardly mobile? Do they think we’re stupid? No. They are quite confident in their brainwashing and manipulation tactics through the media to get people to believe what they want us to believe.

What are Trump’s policies and beliefs that positively impact the Black community and Americans in general? 

School choice 

School choice is a policy that allows federal dollars to be spent on sending children to the school of their parent’s choice rather than having no options but their local public school which is usually the only option for people living in the poorest zip code. Democrats are not only in favor of public school as the only option backed by federal dollars but have no plan to improve them. Biden wants to do away with charter schools which year after year has outperformed public schools in places like New York City and are often the only free alternative for underserved communities. 

Support of the Second Amendment 

Why should we not have the right to bear arms? Reforms are needed no doubt but I am certainly not in agreement with doing away with guns while the people who want to take them have armed security. Guns are still available in places with the strictest gun laws in the hands of the wrong people. And yes, self-defense is biblical.

The first step act 

This executive order has led to the release of over 7,000 inmates with the overwhelming majority of them being black. This act also provided funding for rehabilitation programs, education and employment, and occupational training programs as well as money for a Pell grant pilot program for the formerly incarcerated.

Transformation of the Federal Jobs hiring Process removing college degree requirement 

“Unnecessary degree requirements exclude otherwise qualified Americans from Federal employment, impose the expense of college on prospective workers, and disproportionately harm low-income Americans. The order implements best practices already adopted by private sector leaders to promote equity and inclusion.” – Taken from the White House website. 

This would no doubt give those within the Black community the opportunity to have a federal job without having to go into debt to earn a degree.

Opportunity Zones 

This executive order provides tax incentives for investment in economically distressed communities. Many will say that this simply led to more gentrification. But have we not seen a significant increase in Black real estate investors and a move to ''buy back the block”? I am not saying that this is the reason we have an increase in black ownership but I am saying that this order had a two-fold benefit: one being more jobs and the revitalization of inner cities and tax benefits that work in our favor as many of us have become involved in real estate and entrepreneurship. There is one thing that many rich and middle-class families understand and that is how to pay fewer taxes and legally work the system to your benefit. Many in the Black community either never learned about taxes or failed to extend our knowledge beyond excitement over a yearly tax refund.

Religious Freedom

The Trump administration has been very vocal and active in its support of the church. Trump has worked to support religious freedom and stood for the Church, as well as other religious groups when our local representatives deemed them non-essential. Many say that he is just pandering to his base, but who are we to judge a man's intentions? Are we to be concerned with the reason or results?

Pro-life Stance 

President Trump is the first President to attend a pro-life rally. He has been a vocal advocate against abortion and has worked to defund the largest abortion clinic in America. Our community has long come to believe that abortion is a women’s right to choose, by an effective campaign that has led to us believing that a fetus is not a human being. What we didn’t realize is that this really an attack on our community's population, started by racist eugenists. If you are a real racist, it would take more than pro-life voters to get you to fight against the most effective weapon against the people you hate. 

Smaller government and deregulation 

We have been taught that government oversight and regulation are necessary to constrain big business. This is true in some cases. But in other cases, these policies hurt and stifle businesses of all sizes often resulting in larger businesses exporting jobs and smaller businesses facing unnecessary regulation and obstacles that make it difficult to advance and build a competitive business. Trump has his ways, but what no one can deny are his mind for business and free enterprise. Instead of us seeing this as a threat, we ought to see it for what it is which is an advantage. Free enterprise or capitalism is the tool that has helped many of our people carve a path using our God-given talents when we had nowhere to turn. I started making the most money I’d ever seen as a teenager when I started my business in my bedroom. At the same time, I was trying to find a job and no one would hire me. I used what I had, the bit of knowledge that I had, and by faith, started a business. There is absolutely no reason for any black person to vote for or support any politician that is in opposition to capitalism and creates policies that increase taxes and makes it difficult for businesses to flourish. Capitalism is one of the ways in which we are able to take control.

As I stated previously, “Free” Is the New Slavery. We never needed the government to make a way for us. We needed the government to move out the way for us. We need fair treatment and the conditions that are necessary to pursue our God-given purpose. Why do we believe that the government should play such a huge role in our lives when they have proven on so many occasions that they are not able to do this well? Consider your experience in a social security office, in a post office, government housing, or in any federal or state-run facility. How are you treated? Is it with dignity? Is there order?

“My thing is that I don't give no person that much power over my path that I'm walking. Not one person can make or break what I'm doing, except me or God.” - Nipsey Hussle

I am not advocating for the complete removal of all social programs but there certainly needs to be reform, and changes made within our own community that causes us to no longer have to look to the government. We have, for far too long looked to a 2 party system for the answers. On the one hand, we have a party that has left us to fend for ourselves (The Republican Party) and on the other, we have a party that treats us as if we are not capable of fending for ourselves (the Democratic Party). My belief is that since we must choose in order to have a say and a political platform in which to be a part of the decision making as it relates to the policies of the land, we should choose the party that in spite of their indifference to us, creates the policies that best aligns with our values and allows us to flourish. 




The right to bear arms and defend yourself. 

Smaller government.

Less regulation in business.

Lower taxes. 

Freedom of speech. 

These are conservative values and though most Black families value these things, we vote against them oftentimes in ignorance. This is primarily because the people that defend these values don’t look like us, understand or recognize the unique struggles of our community. We allowed the media to put a white racist persona on our values. What I’ve learned is that many of the people we deem as racist share the same values, hopes, and dreams that we do. We love to talk about Black Wall Street, highlighting thriving communities of color. But what we failed to realize is that these builders were freed slaves, sons and daughters of slaves, faced harsh mistreatment, had no government help, held conservative values, and were bible believing Christians. 

They were unified, had strong families, most of which had 2 parent homes, and called on The Lord for their help. Our modern-day deviation from these factors has helped to create the position we find ourselves in today. And those that claim to care about our condition either helped to make it worse or exploited it for their political gain. I don’t believe a vote for Trump will be the thing that brings sweeping change to our community, but I do think his policies will help create the conditions for us to facilitate that change. We have pledged our allegiance to the Democratic Party for decades with little results and complain about Republicans not being concerned. Why should they if we collectively decided that we were not going to listen to them and hear their policies? They stopped trying to appeal to us. What was the use? This led to a monopoly on the black vote. When an entity has no competition, they have no incentive to improve their service or do what is in the best interest of those they serve. What if instead of just handing over our vote, we aligned ourselves with the party whose policies created the best avenues to succeed? What if we pulled up on that party and demanded to be heard? I encourage those that are a part of my community to vote according to your values. Turn off mainstream media. Listen to what others that share your values but not your political views have to say. Do your research, AND THEN make an informed decision. I have.

This is Chapter 6 from my book, Essays of a Young Melanted Christian Conservative.

Here are some additional resources to address some of the concerns you may still have about Trump.


The SAD truth about the southern border:

Is Trump a Racist?

Trump and Black Prosperity? :

Why wont Trump Disavow White Supremacy…. or Did he?

What a Biden/Harris Presidency means for the Black Community:

Did Trump make fun of handicap people:

The Truth about Trump and Prison Reform :

Is Kamala Harris for us? :

The Russia Collusion Hoax:

Systemic Racism:

The LGTBQ Agenda and the Black Community :

What has Trump done?

A Spiritual View Point of the Democratic Party :

ANTIFA is racist and causing division :

Why liberals are walking away from the Democratic Party:

Check what this Brother Kash Kelly has to say: and here are some another video with fact checks to support what he is saying:

Dominique Galbraith

Dominique Galbraith is a wife, mother of 3, and a follower of Jesus Christ. She is a dynamic figure in the realms of speaking, authorship, entrepreneurship, and faith-based business consulting, is dedicated to helping individuals and families prosper, both spiritually and financially as well as actualizing their Christ-given purpose. Leveraging her presence on YouTube, various social media platforms, her published works, her bridal and couture gown brand, D. Auxilly, and the network (Uniiqe Life ) she founded with her husband, she diligently navigates multiple avenues to fulfill this overarching mission.


6 Things God Wants to Do in The Black Community


Black is Sin, White is Purity. The Liberal Lie.