Are You Giving the Kingdom the Same Energy?

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What would happen if we gave the work of the kingdom (spreading the gospel, creating disciplines, serving the fatherless and the poor) the same energy we did our dreams and ambitions? Matthew 6:33 tells us what would happen… If we seek first the kingdom and His righteousness, all these things would be added to us. Our energy, talents and abundance were meant to advance God’s kingdom. And as we concern ourselves with The Father’s business, He takes care of ours. 

Re-Imaging Ministry

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Do it Anyway and Don’t Apologize.

“I was reminded of what the results were in the times when I was pioneering and stood my ground when no one understood me. “

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Kevin Samuels: The Red pill John Baptist

Some call him The Godfather and think he’s a Godsend. Others find him very offensive and harsh towards black women. But if you ask me…. I think he is a necessary voice for both men and women. I hate that so many get caught up in how a thing is said that they miss the wisdom of what is being said. 

Re- Imaging Ministry

For that reason, I want to encourage Christians in all spheres of life to be the minister that God has called them to be, where He has planted them! There is so much to be done and so much harvest to reap. I would also encourage Christians to stop limiting themselves and others to how they believe ministry should be executed.

It’s a Kingdompreneur Summer!!!

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AJE Creatives: Class on 1000 OK!

AJE Creatives is here to shake the fashion and lifestyle world and I am here for all of it! Read more about AJE Creatives, the lasted on “My Favorite Things” feature!

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The Present Grace for Kingdompreneurs

I firmly believe that there is a grace upon the people of God that He has called into business, to experience supernatural acceleration and uncommon favor in this season. The primary purpose for this favor and wealth that God is channeling to His people through business is to spread the gospel and bring glory to God through the wisdom and solutions we bring forth.

It is time for the church to impact society through......

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Those of us that were tapped into the spirit and spent quarantine in prayer, maturing in our walk, and building whatever the Lord put on our heart to advance His kingdom, it’s time to work what you’ve built! 

What’s very exciting about this time and this move of God is that He is using his people in every sphere of society. It’s no longer about getting people into the church but being the church where the people are. The way in which God will operate through some of His saints will be controversial and challenge many in the body. I believe we must do 4 things in this season that we are in: 

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Can We Talk?

There is a disconnect between what we practice and what we support. But it's time to have the conversation about politics and their impact on our efforts to build generational wealth.


My Favorite Things: Rig Nation

Look, if you're not rigged to Rig Nation, get to it! I have been in awe the past few weeks as I watched and participated in a prayer meeting that started at midnight in early May and has not stopped since it started.


Part 4 is Here!!!

Watch Here!

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So I got to Googling and got Woke….

Many of the things we believe about social justice is a lie… take a deep dive.

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Mark of the Beast or Folk Doing too Much….

Before you go to get poked… No seriously. Check out my open letter.


Latest on My Favorite Things

A prayer, a word, and a vibe to an afrobeat. What more you want?! lol


A Day at A Museum I May Never Visit Again.

As I sat in the seat watching a video about the origins of vertebrates, I thought, “these people are liars.” In their futile thinking, they have spent millions of dollars to indoctrinate millions of people to believe that all of the creation descended from 1 cell and that we are akin to animals. We are not. God made man in His likeness and no amount of scientific knowledge nor imagination of academia will change that. As I walked through the museum I grappled with how deep depravity and anti-christ ideology was embed in America, which is believed to be a Christian nation. I remembered that I was taught the theory of evolution and Darwinism in school. How can I teach my kids the book of Genesis and the truth about how we were created, yet entertain and introduce them to something as anti-christ as the theory of evolution? 


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Check part 2 of this teaching series, “Raising a Standard” The 4 ways God raises up a standard against the enemy in our land.