“Essays of A Young Melanated Christian Conservative Woman" is a series of essays that discuss the root causes of the Black American struggle. Birthed from an answered prayer, Dominique shares a biblical and prophetic perspective on Black Americans, their true identity, and their real enemies. This is a provocative and confrontational book in which the author does not adopt the popular and traditional stance of a conservative but rather challenges it. This book is also meant to invoke deep thought, self-reflection, and consideration on how Black Americans vote, and an evaluation of where we source our news.
Essays of a Young Melanated Christian Conservative Woman Book is available in Paperback and an e-book version.
Also Available on Amazon:
Want to hear a preview?
Listen to chapter 4, “Abortion: Genocide of Our Prophets” below:
Also, check out my blog post Empowering Women: The Key to Ending Abortion. I share practical solutions in government, the private sector, the church and on an individual level, that would help to eliminate abortion in America. The Pro-life community often gets accused of not doing enough to help women or for being only “pro-unborn”. Though I think some of us, (myself included) can do more, I know of many within the Pro-life community that are doing tremendous work to support women and children.
Exposing the Gates Agenda in Africa
When I started writing this book and doing research, I discovered that Bill Gates's father was a eugenicist and happened to be the head of Planned Parenthood in the years leading up to abortion being legalized in America. Since then, 20 million black babies have been aborted and abortion became the number 1 killer of Black life. Racism in America is much deeper than the overhyped white nationalist. Those that are pretending to be our allies, happen to be the most destructive.
I like to think of my journey into politics as a trip I didn’t plan to take or pack for. But I’ve learned that when you surrender to God as His servant, you don’t get to choose your assignments.
God began to change my political perspective in the summer of 2019. But during the pandemic of 2020, He began to reveal wickedness in the political arena which led me to begin speaking on social media about the things He was showing me. I then felt led to write this book. My heart’s desire in this political journey is for the eyes of God’s people to be open to the anti-Christ spirit at work in politics, the media, and popular culture, primarily through the Democratic party, and to no longer be under their spell and lies.
You can keep up with my journey on Instagram @the_dominique_Galbraith